Update Complete guide to Integrate Symfony 5.2 with angular 9.0.0

Mohamed Bouazza
2 min readMar 27, 2021


I am starting a series of blog articles about Symfony and Angular. This first article is about how to integrate Symfony 5.2 with Angular 9.0.0.

Part one: Backend

  • Create a new API project

Create a new API project because we are going to build an API, we will create a symfony project without the — full :

symfony new backend-apiorcomposer create-projectsymfony/skeleton backend-api

  • Install API platform

API Platform contains a PHP library (Core) to create fully-featured hypermedia (or GraphQL) web APIs supporting industry-leading standards: JSON-LD with Hydra, OpenAPI…

API Platform also provides ambitious JavaScript tools to create web and mobile applications based on the most popular frontend technologies in a snap. These tools parse the documentation of the API (or of any other API supporting Hydra or OpenAPI).

Install the API Platform’s server component in this skeleton:

composer require api

Then, create the database and its schema:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create

php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

NB : do not forget to configure your .env file in your Symfony project

Install LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle :

In order to create JWT authentication with API Platform we will install a specific bundle : LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle here is the official documentation https://github.com/lexik/LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle.

If you ever faced problems with the documentation of this bundle , Here is an example of security.yaml file that I made :

Install NelmioCorsBundle :

The NelmioCorsBundle allows you to send Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers with ACL-style per-URL configuration.

Official documentation :


Create our first end-point :

Let’s now create our first endpoint for users, first thing first we will create a User Entity then add @Api platform decorator.

Our User has these pieces of information: username, email, and a password

Before starting to run these commands, make sure that you have the maker-bundle.

If you have, then let's start :

  • Create a user entity and fill the answers :

php bin/console make:entity

Make a migration :

php bin/console make:migration

Execute the migration :

php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate

For more details about Databases and the Doctrine ORM : https://symfony.com/doc/current/doctrine.html

Using Postman, we test our backend :

let’s run first our server : php -S 127.0.0:8000 -t public

Conclusion :

In this first part, we create a simple project with our first endpoint for users, and then we installed the necessary bundles in order to generate the token.

Next part : http://www.dopeside.io/symfony-6-1-and-angular-15-0-1/



Mohamed Bouazza
Mohamed Bouazza

Written by Mohamed Bouazza

Software engineer PHP, JAVASCRIPT

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